Anger and Children – Teaching a child to channel and modify anger in an appropriate way needs to be balanced against appropriate discipline for aggressive and violent outbursts.
Anger management for toddlers and children aims to empower both parents and child alike. Practical tips and advice covered in the articles will help parents manage their child’s anger problems more effectively. An important aspect of achieving a successful outcome regarding anger management involves equipping the anger-prone child with the skills necessary to recognize and deal with their strong emotions in a positive way.
“Do not teach your children never to be angry; teach them how to be angry.”
Lyman Abbott
Anger and Children – Introspection, Respect and Self-Esteem
Angry, disrespectful adults with low self-esteem risk raising like-minded children. This article looks at issues to do with introspection, respect and self-esteem.
Anger and Children – Communication, Interest and Activities
Good communication skills involves dialogue tailored to the age of the child, listening skills and sincere praise. Showing interest in them, their hobbies and activities counters child anger tendencies.
Anger and Children – Apologies, Compassion and Forgiveness
Teaching children the importance of apologizing, compassion and forgiveness helps them control their anger by being aware what constitutes reasonable behavior.
Anger Management For Children – General Principles
Sending out a clear message, knowing when to distance oneself, time-outs and distraction, as well as fair but consistent discipline all help to establish boundaries of what constitutes reasonable behavior from your child.
Anger Management for Children – Practical Approaches
Anger management is best tailored to the child in question and may involve using the Internet, books and DVDs, counselors and support, games and activities, talking, worksheets and incentive systems.